
Shelf Life of Cosmetics

Have you ever heard about "Period After Opening (PAO) Symbol"?

How many beauty products do you have in your bathroom cabinet? If it takes long time to count, you may realize that you have completely forgotten about many cosmetics that you bought. Makeup and skincare are not cheap. Therefore, it seems wasteful to throw away beauty products that you have spent a fortune on. Have you ever heard about “Period After Opening” or PAO symbol?
We can easily locate Period After Opening on most of the labels of your cosmetics. It indicates the shelf life of that particular product from the first time you open it. Keeping you cosmetics in the suitable temperature is also significant. If you keep your cosmetic product in the area that expose to the sun light, the shelf life of that product might become even shorter that what indicated by PAO symbol. Using a beauty product when it is past its prime could cause an infection. Therefore, we should look for the PAO symbol before start using any cosmetics and keep all product in a cool place. In addition, it is good to know general idea about the shelf life of each type of cosmetic product.

Shelf Life (Approx.)
Mascara3 months
Facial cream or lotion6 months
Eye shadow6 months
Eye liner (liquid and pencil)6 months
Lipstick1 year
Toner1 year

Extra Tip : Eyeliner Pencil
Sharpen your eyeliners every time before using it to keep ensure that it is clean .


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